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WEB.DE or GMX Incoming Mails issue SSL error tlsv1 alert insufficient security

NikyMandl opened this issue · comments


2 weeks ago this error comes on.
but dont now why. all worked fine for months.

the error is, that mails from web.d or gmx are generating error on incoming - port 25 - nginx 2.0

error in logs is:
2024/05/04 11:34:37 [info] 12#12: *235 SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:0A00042F:SSL routines::tlsv1 alert insufficient security:SSL alert number 71) while in auth state, client: using starttls, server:

i cheked ciphers problem.
i cheked TLS Version problems.
but no way to fix it.

the sad is, when trying to get TLS infos with testing tool from an GMX or server, they are not giving infos.
so i didnt know what to do.

i searched forums and google for same issue, but not really found help.

all other incoming mals are working fine.
can i set an setting for override this issue with incomig gmx or mails??

Environment & Version

  • docker compose version
  • Docker Compose version v2.21.0