Maillol / aiohttp-pydantic

Aiohttp View that validates request body and query sting regarding the annotations declared in the View method

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generate the OAS in json tips

bbartling opened this issue · comments

Any chance I could get some tips on how to do this?

Copy paste from this repo:
python -m aiohttp_pydantic.oas demo.main

demo would be the name of the python package that was installed locally, .main does that refer to or

For my app in order to generate the OAS, do I need to install it like an entire python package locally?

For example, something like this tutorial Build Python Packages Without Publishing

demo.main is a module with app = Application(...) in this example, is in

You don't need to install your app, you can use PYTHONPATH environment variable.

PYTHONPATH=/path/to/dir/containing/your_package_python python -m aiohttp_pydantic

Thanks for the response. Any chance you could give me another tip? So on my Linux Ubuntu machine if I do a pwd


And my aiohttp app is named Is this legit?

PYTHONPATH=/home/ben/Desktop/bacnet-restapi python3 -m aiohttp_pydantic /home/ben/Desktop/

This will return:
No module named aiohttp_pydantic.__main__; 'aiohttp_pydantic' is a package and cannot be directly executed

Thanks for any help!!!!

I actually think I got this to work. I think had to update the requests library for some reason but this seem to work OK:

PYTHONPATH=/home/ben/Desktop/bacnet-restapi python3 -m aiohttp_pydantic.oas aioapp --output testing.json

Thanks for the input and creations!