Maillol / aiohttp-pydantic

Aiohttp View that validates request body and query sting regarding the annotations declared in the View method

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Invalid specification is generated

spinenkoia opened this issue · comments

The documentation says:

.. code-block:: python3

from aiohttp import web
from aiohttp_pydantic import oas

app = web.Application()

But when you contact the address
Returns a specification that is not valid for swagger

Here's the mistake

Structural error at 
should have required property 'info' missingProperty: info
Jump to line 0

In the list, you need to return the "Info" attribute

Could you show me the code of your PydanticView? or better send me or minimal, complete reproducible example?

This is reproduced on the demo pydantic_aiohttp
git clone
cd aiohttp-pydantic
python3 -m demo

Go to

I would suggest passing this in setup(), or at least setting it by default in OpenApiSpec3

I'll make a merge request later

Ok this part is missing.

Currently you can create a json file with info property and generate the spec using the aiohttp-pydantic command line with
--base-oas-file option but, sadly they are no mechanism to add info property to the spec returned by the route /oas/spec.

Your MR is welcome.

I thinks is a good idea to add a parameter to setup(). and pass info to generate_oas function like we pass the "apps to expose".

Tips: In the generate_oas you can do = ... = ...

To set the info fields to the oas spec.

@Maillol can I write to you in a telegram ? we want to use your project, but there are a few questions. but we are ready to provide support

I don't have a telegram account. Do you have a Keybase Chat ?

I istalled ispinenko my login

released in 1.9.0