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add set of workspaces: "contexts"

yuuyins opened this issue · comments


  • A set of workspaces, or "context", has all default workspaces an user sets (e.g. workspaces 1 to 12). Each set of workspaces starts without any window; so that the user can add windows to workspaces for that set/context. Example contexts for "dev.magmwm", "learn.rust", "learn.japanese". In context "dev.magmwm", its workspace 1 has a browser with, workspace 2 has a text editor with many files opened such as src/; In context "learn.rust", its workspace 1 has browser with "" opened, and workspace 2 has editor with guessing-game/src/ opened, ...)
  • Create new, delete, switch to set of workspaces.
  • If possible, state persistence.
  • If possible, share specific windows between all or selected sets/contexts, or manually adding windows from all existing ones to specific workspace in a specific context.
  • Akin to implements a similar idea, but for GNU Emacs, and has state persistence: save, load, delete, etc.


Enables, in a same device, working in different projects, ideas... Each set/context only has windows related to that project. Enables better focusing on the task; no messing in a same set with different projects/contexts (like it is for basically almost all WMs, except for xmonad with this contexts package). The user already knows what each workspace is useful for (workspace 1 for web browser, workspace 2 for a main information manipulation with a text editor / IDE, workspace 3 for secondary information manipulation, workspace 4 for resources such as pdfs, epubs, etc, workspace 5 for a file manager, etc), so no need for dynamic creation of workspaces; but could be useful to consider options on contexts with static (what I describe, default workspaces 1 to 12) and dynamic (no default workspaces when new context, the user dynamically creates workspaces for the context) workspaces.
