Magenerds / PageDesigner

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Duplicate plugin name in use

hostep opened this issue · comments

Not sure how important this is, but I've noticed that the plugin name Magenerds_PageDesigner::injectPageHtmlIntoJson is being defined twice in the di.xml file. Just thought I should let you know. I'm not exactly sure if you can use the same name twice or not for plugins...

According to Alan Storm, it should be unique:

Under type is the <plugin/> node. Here, the name should be a unique identifier that distinguishes this plugin configuration from every other plugin configuration in the world. The name is freeform, but you should use some combination of module name and description to make sure the name is unique.

But nothing is mentioned in the devdocs around this:

plugin name. An arbitrary plugin name that identifies a plugin. Also used to merge the configurations for the plugin.

So I'm not exactly sure if it has to be unique or not ...

Feel free to close when this isn't an issue :)

Thanks, we fixed that :-)