Magenerds / PageDesigner

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Custom module with textarea

MathieuJJ opened this issue · comments

Is it complicated to use your module in a custom module with a textarea?
I tried somes changes in di.xml but it does not work.
Than you for your reply.

I built my custom form directly in the block and not in the layout file like CMS module. I tried to override my ccontent field with your module, no result. Do you have any idea? Thank you very much for your help!

Hi, I will be very grateful if you could give somes tips. Than you!


sorry for the late reply :-) What exactly do you want to achieve? What textarea do you want to integrate? And how do you extend our module?


Thank you for your reply!
I would like to transform a simple wysiwyg editor in my custom admin module to a pagedesigner field. I do not know what is the best way. Do you think is it possible?

In the content section of a CMS page you can insert a wysiwyg editor, even in the page designer :-)

Mh I think I got your point now :-) Sry if I did not understand it correctly before. Unfortunately there is no easy way to integrate it, as it is not just a form element like a wysiwyg editor. It is much more complex as it replaces logic like saving CMS, rendering logic in the frontend and so on. I am sorry there is no better way.

Feel free to use PageDesigner in your module if you want. Unfortunately there is no built-in "ready to use" functionality to integrate into other forms.