MadhavBahl / OOPS

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Add C/C++ Implmentation of Selection Sort

MadhavBahl opened this issue · comments

Add the needful here and submit a PR,

Also, do add the algorithm and explanation in Corresponding README + snippet of code

Format for README

Selection Sort

Some Details





C/C++ Code

Code Here

PR format:

  • About
  • Algorithm
  • Explanation
  • Code Snippets
  • Screenshots as example

I will work on selection sort.

Alright @sannanansari
All The Best 😄


Authentication failed.
I am not getting Permission. What to do.

Hey @sannanansari can you send the screenshots of the same?

There should be no such error, steps are:

  1. fork repo
  2. clone forked repo
  3. Make changes
  4. Add, commit, push
  5. Make a PR

@MadhavBahlMD , I Made Two Changes Yesterday. What About Them? Did I Make Any Mistake? This Is My First Contribution.

screenshot 4

@OOGaurav It is perfect ❤️

You can generate a PR, I will look at both yours and @sannanansari 's PR and review them :)