MaddieM4 / os-prober

Tool for adding other distros to GRUB. A fork of the original Debian util, but designed to be more distro-agnostic.

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[Feature Request] os-prober needs documentation better output

jrcharney opened this issue · comments

So I'm sure a few other people have mentioned this, but os-prober needs to output something. It would be nice to know WHAT it did if it did anything, and even if it didn't do something it would be nice to see that too.

While you might see a message about how it won't do something because you didn't run os-prober as root, it would be even better if when I ran sudo os-prober something was accomplished.

I would like to see that Windows was detected on the other M.2 my computer has, but I'm not seeing anything.

Not helping is the lack of documentation either in the form of os-prober --help (or os-prober -h) or man os-prober. It might be time to "fill in the blanks", so to speak. Otherwise, what use is os-prober if it doesn't tell me anything I need to know.

I just realized this project hasn't been updated in 8 years and parts of it haven't been updated in 15. Why did Google direct me here?