Macoron / whisper.unity

Running speech to text model (whisper.cpp) in Unity3d on your local machine.

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Add RealTime VoiceCheck

ZoomJokerK opened this issue · comments

I added a microphone detection method that automatically records when there is sound from the microphone, and stops recording when there is no sound

using System.ComponentModel;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using System;

public class MicrophoneDetection : MonoBehaviour
    public string deviceName = "Defauilt";
    public float loudness = 0; // 麦克风音量

    public int frequency = 44100; // 麦克风采样率
    public float sensitivity = 100; // 麦克风灵敏度
    public int clipLengthLimit = 10; // 单个录制声音的最大长度
    public float soundThreshold = 0.1f; // 声音阈值
    public float checkDelay = 1; // 检测间隔时间
    public Dropdown deviceDropdown; // 麦克风设备选择UI

    private float timer = 0;
    private float lastSoundTime = 0; // 最后一次检测到声音的时间
    private float clipStartTime = 0; // 当前录制的声音的开始时间
    private bool isRecording = false; // 是否正在录制声音
    private AudioClip _audioClip;
    public delegate void OnRecordStopDelegate(float[] data, int frequency, int channels, float length);
    public event OnRecordStopDelegate OnRecordStop;
    void Start()
        // 初始化麦克风设备选择UI
        foreach (string device in Microphone.devices)
            deviceDropdown.options.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData(device));
        deviceDropdown.value = 0;
            (x) =>
        // 开始录音


    private void Record()
        deviceName = Microphone.devices[deviceDropdown.value];
        if (!Microphone.IsRecording(deviceName))
            _audioClip = Microphone.Start(deviceName, false, clipLengthLimit, frequency);
    void Update()
        timer += Time.deltaTime;
        if (timer > checkDelay/2)
            timer = 0;

            // 计算麦克风音量
            loudness = GetMicVolume() * sensitivity;

            // 如果音量大于阈值,则表示有人在说话
            if (loudness > soundThreshold)
                Debug.Log("Someone is speaking!");

                if (!isRecording)
                    isRecording = true;
                    clipStartTime = Time.time;

                lastSoundTime = Time.time;

                if (isRecording)
                    if (Time.time - lastSoundTime > checkDelay)
                        //没有声音了 并且经过了一段时间了 我们就停止录制
                        isRecording = false;

                        // 获取录制的声音数据
                        float[] data = GetTrimmedData();

                        // 触发录制结束事件

                        OnRecordStop?.Invoke(data, _audioClip.frequency, _audioClip.channels, Time.time - clipStartTime);

                    // 没有声音 并且没有录制的时候 放掉这段音频
                    // 重新开始录制

    float GetMicVolume()
        float[] waveData = new float[1024];
        int micPosition = Microphone.GetPosition(deviceName) - (1024 + 1); // 获取最新的1024个样本
        if (micPosition < 0) return 0;

        _audioClip.GetData(waveData, micPosition);
        float levelMax = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
            float wavePeak = waveData[i] * waveData[i];
            if (levelMax < wavePeak)
                levelMax = wavePeak;
        return Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Sqrt(levelMax));

    private float[] GetTrimmedData()
        if (_audioClip == null)
            return new float[0];
        // get microphone samples and current position
        var pos = Microphone.GetPosition(deviceName);
        var origData = new float[_audioClip.samples * _audioClip.channels];
        _audioClip.GetData(origData, 0);

        // check if mic just reached audio buffer end
        if (pos == 0)
            return origData;

        // looks like we need to trim it by pos
        var trimData = new float[pos];
        Array.Copy(origData, trimData, pos);
        return trimData;
    private bool IsVolumeEnough(float[] data, float volume = 0.1f, int checkLength = 1024)
        float[] checkData = new float[checkLength];
        if (data.Length > checkLength)
            Array.Copy(data, checkData, checkLength);
            checkData = data;
        float sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < checkData.Length; i++)
            sum += Mathf.Abs(checkData[i]);
        float average = sum / checkData.Length;
        return average > volume;

    public void OnDeviceDropdownValueChanged()
        // 切换麦克风设备
        string deviceName = Microphone.devices[deviceDropdown.value];

Looks interesting. This can reduce length of microphone recording and also stop recording after speech ended. I think it will be good optional mode for MicrophoneRecord script.

Also check how original whisper.cpp made their VAD. They compare total energy of two segments and also apply high-pass filter (link). This probably can be more robust than volume check.

Do you plan to make PR with your code?

I am trying to use Whisper in conjunction with ChatGPT for NPC conversations. I am conceptualizing a memory system and logical framework for NPCs. I plan to learn the construction of 2D graphics and text games, and it may take some time

Done by #44