Enabling bots to build with Build
Arildlil opened this issue · comments
I noticed that adding a few lines (marked with '-- Added {' and '-- }') in BuildingHelper.lua enabled bots to construct buildings the usual way:
function BuildingHelper:BuildCommand(args)
local playerID = args['PlayerID']
local x = args['X']
local y = args['Y']
local z = args['Z']
local location = Vector(x, y, z)
local queue = args['Queue'] == 1
local builder = EntIndexToHScript(args['builder']) --activeBuilder
local name = builder:GetUnitName()
local builders = {}
local idle_builders = {}
local entityList = PlayerResource:GetSelectedEntities(playerID)
-- Filter all the selected builders
for k,entIndex in pairs(entityList) do
local unit = EntIndexToHScript(entIndex)
if unit:GetUnitName() == name then
if unit:IsIdle() then
table.insert(idle_builders, unit)
table.insert(builders, unit)
-- Added {
-- Since the bot didn't have a selection, this was required as its selection was empty.
if args.bot and #builders == 0 then
table.insert(builders, builder)
-- }
-- First select from idle builders
if #idle_builders > 0 then
builder = GetClosestToPosition(idle_builders, location)
builder = GetClosestToPosition(builders, location)
-- Cancel current action
if not queue then
ExecuteOrderFromTable({UnitIndex = builder:GetEntityIndex(), OrderType = DOTA_UNIT_ORDER_STOP, Queue = false})
BuildingHelper:AddToQueue(builder, location, queue)
and changing the last line in BuildingHelper:AddBuilding() from
CustomGameEventManager:Send_ServerToPlayer(player, "building_helper_enable", event)
if not keys.bot then
CustomGameEventManager:Send_ServerToPlayer(player, "building_helper_enable", event)
You can then order the bot to build with
function ConstructBuilding(worker, ability, position)
local playerID = worker:GetPlayerOwnerID()
-- I've only tried setting Queue to 0, might be better at 1 if queuing
local buildArgs = {
builder = worker:GetEntityIndex(),
Queue = 0,
PlayerID = playerID,
X = position.x,
Y = position.y,
Z = position.z,
bot = true
Build({caster=worker, ability=ability})
I havn't tried to queue up several constructions, so I'm not sure how that would work with setting Queue to 1, but there's at least no problem in constructing several buildings for a bot when the queue is empty.
I'll try this, looks promising! Thank you
Added in 1.2.7 69675a4
Usage: BuildingHelper:OrderBuildingConstruction(builder, ability, position)