ML-KULeuven / SAR-PU

Beyond the Selected Completely At Random Assumption for Learning from Positive and Unlabeled Data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

IndexError: index 23 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 23

kagalkot opened this issue · comments

Hi Jessa, I am new in the field of Machine Learning. I am interested in your work. I used your model on 8 datasets you used in your experiments. I am confronting the "IndexError" problem with 4 datasets. Could you please guide me about it, Thank you very much in advance.
data_name = "ImageSegmentation_extclustering"
propensity_attributes = [1,3,5]
propensity_attributes_signs = [1,-1,1]
settings = ""
labeling_model_type = "simple_0.2_0.8"




Thank You very much in advance.