MIC-DKFZ / medicaldetectiontoolkit

The Medical Detection Toolkit contains 2D + 3D implementations of prevalent object detectors such as Mask R-CNN, Retina Net, Retina U-Net, as well as a training and inference framework focused on dealing with medical images.

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KeyError when trying to train in toy_exp

17alia opened this issue · comments

I am trying to train using the donuts_shape dataset in the toy_exp and I am getting the following error:


How can I fix this? it looks like the dictionary "batch" has keys 'data', 'seg', 'pid', 'class_target', 'bb_target', and 'roi_masks', but not 'roi_labels'.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

I'm also having a similar issue.

I think this is an issue with the batchgenerators repository. The medicaldetectiontoolkit repository expects batchgenerators to be version 0.19.3. If you install the latest version, the output of the generator doesn't include the 'roi_labels' key. Might be worth submitting an issue over there.


pip uninstall batchgenerators
pip install batchgenerators==0.19.3