MIC-DKFZ / help_a_hematologist_out_challenge

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Python PyTorch Lightning

Help a Hematologist Out Challenge

This repository is based on the Image Classification and Regression Framework by Helmholtz Imaging! You can check it out here: https://github.com/MIC-DKFZ/image_classification

Similar frameworks are available for semantic segmentation and object detection!

For reproducing our model training you need to place the splits.json in the data directory and then run all 5 folds:

python main.py ResNet34 --data AcevedoMatek --num_classes 11 --augmentation bg --scheduler CosineAnneal --metrics f1 f1_per_class --batch_size 128 --num_workers 32 --epochs 500 --lr 0.1 --sampler weighted_and_random --balanced --random_prob 0.66 --fold 0 --save_model --chpt_name RN34_fold0


python main.py ResNet34 --data AcevedoMatek --num_classes 11 --augmentation bg --scheduler CosineAnneal --metrics f1 f1_per_class --batch_size 128 --num_workers 32 --epochs 500 --lr 0.1 --sampler weighted_and_random --balanced --random_prob 0.66 --fold 4 --save_model --chpt_name RN34_fold4

For inference run:

python predict.py --cp_dir path/to/checkpoint_dir --data_dir path/to/hematology_data --save_dir path/where/to/save/results --set val

If you want to predict the test data use --set test instead.



This Repository is developed and maintained by the Applied Computer Vision Lab (ACVL) of Helmholtz Imaging.



Language:Python 100.0%