MGX3D / pegstr

Pegboard Parametric Supports Generator

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4 mm hole size

Thoky81 opened this issue · comments

I would like to ask you how can I change the pins to fit EU pegboard hole size which is approx. 3.5-4.0 mm in diameter.
When I open the scad file in OpenScad I found these settings:

// dimensions the same outside US?
hole_spacing = 25.4;
hole_size = 6.0035;
board_thickness = 5;

But when I change the hole_size to let say 3.5 the corner of the pins are strange and not in line. See the picture:

Screenshot 2020-06-07 at 11 36 17

Thank a lot

I created a fork for my pegboard I don’t know whether you have the same board but you could check out my fork:

The first image shows the holes of my board, if it helps your feedback is appreciated!

Thanks for reply. I have checked your fork but its not working for my. My one its not metal and I have just round holes. Do you have any idea how to solve it?

I had the same problem, so I fixed the pin function. I don't feel up to doing a full pull request, but if you replace the pin module, from line 109 to line 134, with the following, the clips are a bit different and the pins and clips scale properly with the hole size and board thickness.

clip_radius = 5;
pin_length = board_thickness;

module pin(clip)
    cylinder(r=hole_size/2, h=board_thickness*1.5+epsilon, center=true, $fn=12);

    if (clip) {
        translate([0,-clip_radius, pin_length/2])
        intersection() {
            rotate_extrude(convexity = 5, $fn =20)
            circle(r = (hole_size*0.95)/2);

            translate([-hole_size/2, 0, 0])
            cube([hole_size+2*epsilon, clip_radius+hole_size, clip_radius+hole_size], center = false);