MCMrARM / revolution-irc

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Can not connect to but got not error messages or server log

buhtz opened this issue · comments


I can connect to my Libera.Chat account via gamja-webclient without any problems.
Now I tried your recommended Revolution IRC.
I add the sever and credentials. I got a "Disconnected" for that server. "Reconnect" not working.

No error messages, no exeptions.
I would expect a server log output as I would have on a usual PC client.

What can I do?

My setup:
Name: Libera
Server: ircs://
Port: 6697
Use SSL/TLS: activated
Server password: [empty]
Authentication mode: "Username with password (SASL)
Username: buhtz
Password: [snipped]
Nicknames: buhtz
Auto-join channels: [empty]
Rejoin opened channels: activated
Auto-run commands: [empty]
Encoding: utf8

I am also having this issue with version 0.5.4 from fdroid. I see just


Yes, that is what I see.

I connect to without issues, but I might be running the play version dl with Aurora store couple of years ago.

lineage-18.1 Xperia_1ii

The libera server is not connecting! Any help

however I use the play version so maybe test that first

Please make sure that the server address is set correctly; it should be (the round-robin server pool), not just (the webserver).

Also don't include any access scheme in the server address field; it should be just a hostname or IP address.

Also don't include any access scheme in the server address field; it should be just a hostname or IP address.

i.e., remove the ircs:// part.
Just replace ircs:// with

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