A project to statically recompile following games to create Windows or Linux (x86 or arm) versions of the games - Albion, X-Com: UFO Defense (UFO: Enemy Unknown), X-Com: Terror from the Deep, Warcraft: Orcs & Humans, Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator, Battle Isle 3: Shadow of the Emperor

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keyboard remapping

FyiurAmron opened this issue · comments

A possibility to remap keys (e.g. arrows to WSAD, quite useful for 3D mode) would be great, and shouldn't be too hard considering SDL is already on-board. It's currently doable by generic 3rd party tools for remapping the keyboard system-wide, but a possibility to set this e.g. via config would be even better.


Instead of full key remapping, an option to exchange WSAD and arrow keys should be enough, I think.


Albion release version 1.7.1 contains options to switch WSAD and arrow keys.