Lxtharia / minegrub-theme

A Grub Theme in the style of Minecraft!

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Consider moving to Codeberg

MagicLike opened this issue · comments

Moving the whole repo and all code over to Codeberg would be great, as it is a libre, free, open-source, privacy-friendly and non-profit Git platform from Germany, running the Gittea soft-fork Forgejo.

If you need any help with the transfer I am happy to assist.

Is this an ad?

This doesn't look like a bug 👀


Is this a joke?

Is this an ad?

no it isn't. I am just concerned about the future of FOSS/FLOSS software, as I think we (we as the whole open source community) need to move to open source platforms.

This doesn't look like a bug eyes

If you see what GitHub is developing towards - it might be

Is this a joke?

nope, see #18 (comment)

Also it would be nice if we could all just recognise others opinions instead of framing them as "joke" or "ad", etc..

To be clear - I don't want to force my opinion on anyone. I just made my point about my concern with GitHub.


Even though many seem to frame this suggestion as an "ad" (which doesn't make sense for a non-profit) I'd also appreciate moving to Codeberg. The author has some valid points that are valid for discussion IMO. Just downvoting it and asking if it's a joke is not helping tbh.

It's concerning seeing that the majority is against this suggestion... You're most likely using gnu code and should be thankful that some programmers dedicated a large part of their life to (among others) prevent Microsoft from maintaining yet another monopoly on operating systems. Please educate yourself about the free software foundation and what the future holds. I used to think that Github was the good option out there, but turns out it isn't. I'm switching to codeberg and deleting this account today. You're programmers, if you aren't open-minded then we're all doomed hahaha, I'm dead serious

I'm not against the suggestion, I love my account on SourceHut. It's just that it doesn't seem genuine as the OP is heavily integrated into GitHub themselves.

It also seems like a very strange thing to post on a random repository that you aren't directly involved with. It raised a few of my red flags related to certain tech evangelists.

It is a call from the Software Freedom Conservancy, they instructed their members to spread the message by specifically listing an alternative: https://sfconservancy.org/GiveUpGitHub/.

To anybody reading this, the choice is yours but regardless, you should invest some time and think about it! The transition is easy, I have it setup already

Judging by the increase rate in comments, this issue has reached a pro-switch reddit

I'm not against the suggestion, I love my account on SourceHut. It's just that it doesn't seem genuine as the OP is heavily integrated into GitHub themselves.

It also seems like a very strange thing to post on a random repository that you aren't directly involved with. It raised a few of my red flags related to certain tech evangelists.

Yes, I am - but only for forks and commits to other projects on here. My personal projects have all been moved over to Codeberg.

The reason why I opened this issue on a "random" repo is, that I really like this little project and want it to be preserved and therefore want to throw some thoughts in the room if GitHub is a great place for it.

Btw: I also brought this thought up in all projects I am more heavily involved in.

Yes, I am - but only for forks and commits to other projects on here. My personal projects have all been moved over to Codeberg.

Answer me this. What do you think will happen to my open source and propriatary code that is hosted on GitHub?

I myself switched my website, blog and some projects to Codeberg, tho I won't move everything to it...
Main reason is that I use GitHub Actions. And while they do offer their own CI instance using Woodpecker-CI does it not allow all the stuff Actions does here...

Tho, on the other hand do I quite like their Codeberg pages service. it's quite decent. Especially in terms of configuring (sub-)domains to use for a repo.

One downside I noticed there however is, that when you use a domain for a user/org will sub-pages for repositories no longer work.
What I mean is, that a repository named subpage with a pages branch will show up on example.codeberg.page/subpage (Assuming it's under a user/org named example) while it won't for example.com/subpage, assuming the pages repository used is set to use example.com as its domain.

Another minor inconvenience is that page content always has to be on a pages branch. Even on the pages repo (Trust me... I tried it. The docs are misleading here).

Either way, I'm all for a move given GitHub's recent developments on certain things.
Tho I can understand if a move is not considered...

Although, using the mirror system on codeberg, you could keep this repository here as a mirror, so that people still can check things out.
(A mirror from GitHub to codeberg isn't prohibited, but they recommend not to do it for heavy/large ones and not just to have a "backup" or smth)

Quality of their services is promising, lol


Note the date of planned work here: July 30 2023 :trollface:

Site works fine for me.

Also, they did had a lot of automated crawlers and alike targeting their site alongside some bad Database queries taking a ton of time to process, which they are working on fixing.

They also have a scheduled maintenance on august 10th to update their Git system.

Also, a non-profit that isn't backed by a literal money printer doesn't have the best infrastructure? What a surprise! /j

Also works perfectly fine for me...


Moving the whole repo and all code over to Codeberg would be great, as it is a libre, free, open-source, privacy-friendly and non-profit Git platform from Germany, running the Gittea soft-fork Forgejo.

If you need any help with the transfer I am happy to assist.

You're using GitHub lol @MagicLike

As this issue is getting way too heated and therefore can't be a place for a calm discussion whilst being able to talk to each other on the same level, I will close this issue now.

Thanks, I've been putting this off from the start and thought "Yea, maybe I will put it up on codeberg some day", but tbh, I've been rolling with github so far, it's what people are most familiar with, and I don't have the energy to switch, when github still works well.

Thanks, I've been putting this off from the start and thought "Yea, maybe I will put it up on codeberg some day", but tbh, I've been rolling with github so far, it's what people are most familiar with, and I don't have the energy to switch, when github still works well.

Alright! 👍