Lxtharia / minegrub-theme

A Grub Theme in the style of Minecraft!

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Minecraft Font not displaying

FriederRodewald opened this issue · comments

I just discovered this awesome GRUB theme. Thank you so much!
Everything works fine expect the custom Minecraft font does not load. For all the text GRUB continues to use the base font. I could not find any working solutions so far.

I am using Fedora37 with UEFI-boot.

Hmm, can you cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg | grep pf2 and see if these files actually exist in the file system?
If they do and it doesn't work, you could try to copy them to /boot/grub/fonts, maybe that'll work?

Thanks, I think the problem could originate from my usage of efi-booting. Therefore, my main path is nos /boot/grub/ but /boot/efi/EFI/fedora/ where my grub.cfg and my themes and fonts folder is located.
Here, all fonts are present:

[root@fedora]/boot/efi/EFI/fedora/fonts# ls -al
total 2384
drwx------. 2 root root    4096 May  3 12:39 .
drwx------. 5 root root    4096 May  3 12:30 ..
-rwx------. 1 root root    6524 May  3 12:38 Minecraft24.pf2
-rwx------. 1 root root    8402 May  3 12:13 Minecraft.pf2
-rwx------. 1 root root   12482 May  3 12:39 Monocraft22.pf2
-rwx------. 1 root root 2394108 May  3 12:13 unicode.pf2

I changed my grub theme default in /etc/default/ to GRUB_THEME="/boot/efi/EFI/fedora/themes/minegrub-theme/theme.txt" and the paths should work fine:

[root@fedora]/boot/efi/EFI/fedora# cat grub.cfg | grep pf2
loadfont ($root)/EFI/fedora/themes/minegrub-theme/Minecraft24.pf2
loadfont ($root)/EFI/fedora/themes/minegrub-theme/Minecraft.pf2
loadfont ($root)/EFI/fedora/themes/minegrub-theme/Monocraft22.pf2

If you have any other idea, I would be glad to hear it: otherwise it is not too big of a problem and I like the theme anyway :)

Hey, sorry for the late response, sadly I don't know what causes this. You could maybe press C to open the console while in the grub menu and loadfont /EFI/fedora/themes/minegrub-theme/Monocraft22.pf2 the fonts manually, then close and reopen the console and see if the font changed.
I wouldn't know what to to in either situation tbh, but maybe it helps to find the cause of the problem.
I faintly remember having this problem with my other grub theme (which consisted to 90% of fonts), but sadly i cannot remember how i fixed it.
Also, thanks! I'm happy you enjoy it despite the issue :D

Hey, thank you so much - I used loadfont and it raised an error pointing to the issue being that I booted my system in secure-boot mode. So I disabled secure-boot and it works like a charm :)