Luzifer / go-openssl

go-openssl is a small library wrapping the crypto/aes functions in a way the output is compatible to OpenSSL

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OpenSSL Equivalent

rmasci opened this issue · comments


HI -- I've been trying to use your openssl and in Go I can encrypt and decrypt just fine. It's when I have to get openssl to decrypt I am having an issue.
So I encrypt like this:

func EncryptStr(plaintext, passphrase string) (encStr string, err error) {
	o := openssl.New()
	// Clean any line endings from secret
	enc, err := o.EncryptBytes(passphrase, []byte(plaintext), openssl.PBKDF2SHA512)
	encStr = string(enc)
	return encStr, err

So then I try to use openssl like this:
openssl aes-256-cbc -d -base64 -pass "pass:passphrase" -md sha512 -pbkdf2 -in

What I am guessing at is the proper openssl commmand to decrypt.


I figured it out, it was openssl. To get this to work I have to pass it through base64 -d instead of using the base64 built in to openssl. So if you have a program written in go that uses the EncryptStr function above, and that program prints out the encrypted string, the openssl string to decrypt looks like this:

mygoprogram | base64 -d  | openssl aes-256-cbc -d -pass "pass:passphrase" -md sha512 -pbkdf2 -in

The issue here is OpenSSL does expect a newline at the end of the string, nothing else does… So you can send it directly to OpenSSL by appending a newline to the result: