LuoweiZhou / VLP

Vision-Language Pre-training for Image Captioning and Question Answering

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

segment core while running evaluation

TangDonnie opened this issue · comments

segment core occurs while run flickr30k evaluation. The scripts are as follows:
beam=5 CHECKPOINT_ROOT=./flickr30k_g8_lr3e-5_batch512_ft_from_s0.75_b0.25

python vlp/ \
--model_recover_path $CHECKPOINT_ROOT/model.21.bin \
--new_segment_ids --batch_size 100 --beam_size ${beam} --enable_butd \
--image_root $DATA_ROOT/flickr30k/region_feat_gvd_wo_bgd/ --split ${split} \
--dataset flickr30k \
--region_bbox_file flickr30k_detection_vg_thresh0.2_feat_gvd_checkpoint_trainvaltest.h5 \
--src_file $DATA_ROOT/flickr30k/annotations/dataset_flickr30k.json \
--file_valid_jpgs $DATA_ROOT/flickr30k/annotations/flickr30k_valid_jpgs.json

Is there any chances that I adopt the wrong cuda/cunn environment?

@TangDonnie Possibly. Please follow the instructions from README to install the right pytorch/cuda/cudnn/etc. version.

Thanks, it works now.