LuoweiZhou / VLP

Vision-Language Pre-training for Image Captioning and Question Answering

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

unable to Download feature from google drive

youngfly11 opened this issue · comments


the download feature link is not available for me and is very big, could you please provide another link? like baidu disk?
When i click the google drive link, it will appear following error


Unfortunately looks like I'm not able to download Conceptual captions data as well. It asks me for my Microsoft credentials. Any thoughts?

@aleSuglia Somehow the link on CC is for embedding. I have updated the link in README (the same as

@youngfly11 Sorry for the inconvenience. I was trying to upload the CC feature zip files which hit the upload limit (20G). I will try to find a workaround and let you know when the files are ready.