LuoweiZhou / VLP

Vision-Language Pre-training for Image Captioning and Question Answering

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MSCOCO data not found

xinyuwang1126 opened this issue · comments

Hi there,

I downloaded MSCOCO data and there seems to be missing data. So I removed and tried to redownload them. However, when I do
there is 404 not found error.
Could you have a look at that and help me out?
Thank you very much and stay healthy!

@xinyuwang1126 Could you try it one more time? It happens sometimes as the connection to OneDrive is unstable.

Hi Luowei,

I have tried again and it is still not working. Also, is it possible that data would be missing given that the link is unstable? I downloaded the data before as instructed, but when I tried to do inference on COCO it raised file not found error (some cls.h5 file)

@xinyuwang1126 Sorry for the delay. Have you managed to download the data? Otherwise, please email me at and I can share it with you.