LuoweiZhou / VLP

Vision-Language Pre-training for Image Captioning and Question Answering

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chinese image caption, In the result, multiple words of the same type appear

cylvzj opened this issue · comments

Hello, I am using the COCO dataset,
A two-layer LSTM model, one layer for top-down attention, and one layer for language models.

Extracting words with jieba
I used all the words in the picture description that occurred more than 3 times as a dictionary file, and a total of 14,226 words.
words = [w for w in word_freq.keys () if word_freq [w]> 3]

After training the model, when using it, multiple words of the same type appear in the result, such as:

Note notebook laptop computer on bed
A little girl little girl girl standing together

How can I solve this problem?

@cylvzj Is this issue related to this repo VLP? Usually, if you see repeated words, it indicates the training is incomplete and you might want to run it for a few more epochs.

@LuoweiZhou Thanks for the reply, Already trained 50,000 batches。

@cylvzj I do not see how's this issue related to this repo. Please either try our VLP framework or make your question more specific.

Thanks for the reply

请问一下, 怎样减少奖励权重 (reduce the weight of the concept reward)?