Lunarequest / sddm2rpm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GUIfy the app

boredsquirrel opened this issue · comments

printf """[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sddm2rpm %f
GenericName[de_DE]=Wandle SDDM Tar-Archive in RPMs um
GenericName=Converts SDDM Tar Archive to RPM
Type=Application""" > ~/.local/share/applications/sddm2rpm.desktop

Works great if you add ~/.cargo/bin to $PATH.

making it a dolphin extension would also work but clutter the menu more and for me its very weird and inconsistent to get them to even show.

didnt know where to put it, when using cradle it would not be included and putting it in the app would also be complicated? Just add it to the readme? your choice

here is a try to automatically convert .zip files

printf """[Desktop Entry]
Exec=unzip %f && tar -czvf %f.tar.gz %f && sddm2rpm %f.tar.gz
GenericName[de_DE]=Wandle SDDM Tar-Archive in RPMs um
GenericName=Converts SDDM Tar Archive to RPM
Type=Application""" > ~/.local/share/applications/sdm2rpm-zip.desktop

Weirdly it keeps the ".zip" ending on the files, otherwise works


I personally do not think this would work atleast in this form for a GUI. If you do want zip support feel free to open a pr. you would need to change to support zips. Afaik no one distributes sddm themes as zips. Which theme is shipped as a zip?


zips are now supported

great work! I tried it but didnt find the time to learn everything.

Do you know any other use cases for this tool?

And did you know of microOSses transactional-update shell ? Maybe you dont even need these rpms there.


When you use tu shell you are supposed to only use zypper. As for gui support the codebase prefers panic over returning results. Overall i don't see many people want a gui version of the tool