LunarVim / onedarker.nvim

Onedark inspired colorscheme written in lua.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dark green against dark background

de-abreu opened this issue · comments


Hi there,

For some reason modified files are listed in the Explorer with a dark, mush green. This is out of line with the rest of the theme, that uses bright colors as highlights. Could this behavior be changed? Thanks.


They are aligned with git sign colors: Git.lua. You can find the section on the palette here: git sign palette.
You can find all the NvimTree explorer highlights which defined here: NvimTree highlights.

For your example, change the highlight to raw green for new git files:

    augroup customNvimTreeColors
        autocmd ColorScheme * highlight NvimTreeGitNew guifg=#00ff00
    augroup END
-- For nvim > 0.7.0 use better new api, `:help api-autocmd`

For non-Lua, vimscript config:

augroup customNvimTreeColors
    autocmd ColorScheme * highlight NvimTreeGitNew guifg=#00ff00
augroup END