Lumintorious / Checkers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Welcome to Checkers

Checkers is a library that adds type checks to Scala3 using the built-in intersection and union types. This allows handling checked types as if they were regular types that can be used as parameters or return types, respecting variance.

Basic idea

  • Any type can be given a Checker instance to another type (preferably opaque).
  • Checking a type to another means using that instance to return Valid or Invalid (from Cats)
  • Functions working with checked types can be called with 'checking(...)' to be used more concretely
  • The checking is done at RUNTIME but the type restrictions are represented at COMPILE TIME.
  • NO compiletime checks for constant literals (more trouble than they are worth)


import checkers.{given, *}

Basic idea

Checking if a type T is also a type X returns Checked[T & X], an alias for ValidatedNel[FailedCheck, T & X]

val noSymbols = "some string".checkAs[AlphaNumeric]
// ==> Valid("some string": String & AlphaNumeric)

val manySymbols = "some |+| -- >>=".checkAs[AlphaNumeric]
// ==> Invalid('some |+| -- >>=' is not AlphaNumeric)

Basic use

def safeDiv(numerator: Double, denominator: Double & NonZero): Double =
  numerator / denominator
val result1 = safeDiv.checking(12D, 4D)
// ==> Valid(3D)

val result2 = safeDiv.checking(12D, 0D)
// ==> Invalid(denominator: '0D' not NonZero)

Multiple checks with intersection types

Intersection type checking behaves like and-ing the checks of their parts, adding up all errors if necessary

def isDrunk(age: Int & GT[21], drinkAlcohol: Float & Positive & LT[0.6F]): Boolean =
  age - (age * drinkAlcohol) // Some arbitrary logic
val youngVsVodka = isDrunk.checking(24, 0.5F)
// ==> runs fine

val babyVsBeer = isDrunk.checking(2, 0.08F)
// ==> Invalid(age: '2' not GT[21]

val babyVsHardVodka = isDrunk.checking(2, 0.64F)
// ==> Invalid(age: '2' is not GT[21], drinkAlcohol: '0.64' is not LT[0.6]) 

val personVsNegative = isDrunk.checking(30, -0.34F)
// ==> Invalid(age: '-0.34' is not Positive) 

Declaring a new Checker

object OtherFile {
  opaque type Unitary = Any
  inline given Checker[Float, Unitary] =
    Checker { f => f >= -1 && f <= 1 } 

object ClientCode {
  import OtherFile.{given, *}
  // ==> Invalid('2' is not Unitary)
  // ==> Valid(0.43: Float & Unitary)



Language:Scala 100.0%