LukeSmithxyz / voidrice

My dotfiles (deployed by LARBS)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No Previews on LF.

emrakyz opened this issue · comments


My setup is:
Gentoo 64bit (Multilib) / OpenRC / EloginD / Xorg-Server / newly built, updated.
Packages from Gentoo Package Manager: Latest versions of ffmpeg, ffmpegthumbnailer, ueberzug, poppler, bat, pdftoppm (also tried installing ueberzug with pip3).
Window Manager: DWM 6.4 (latest git version) [Started with exec dwm in xinitrc]
Terminal Emulator: Suckless ST 0.9.0 (latest git version)
LF: Just installed with native single line GO command as in its tutorial (Also tried pre-built binary).

lfub is in $PATH and aliased to lf. Cleaner and scope files are in ~/.config/lf/ and they are executable.

I can only see the initial text file's preview on lf. Other files stuck on loading. With the same setup on Arch and Artix Linux I could have seen image previews with LARBS scripts. Now it's stuck on "loading" where images should be at and I can't even see text previews. I have tried other scripts or programs from github. With their version I can see text files constantly, it doesn't get stuck on loading but I still can't see image, pdf and video previews.

What could be the reason? Any type of policy, ssh stuff that are different in Gentoo?
Any type of help is appreciated,

Solved: Recompile Python with "tk" use flag since Ueberzug requires tkinter. Found out about this by trying the command ueberzug layer which had output that states "no modules for tkinter".