Luca96 / dlib-for-android

Compile and embed Dlib in your Android projects with ease.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Path issue while compiling the script

opened this issue · comments

Screenshot (330)

Any idea what is might be?

can you tell me the path whence you execute the script?

Hello !
I've got exactly the same issue ... I tried with both relative path and absolute path ...
I don't know what to do more ....

same issue i got

any solution ?? in my project even ccp folder also not getting generated

Try to make sure that the path where the .so get created is the same of the script. If not, adjust accordingly.

I run into the same problem after compile dlib.
The problem is in this line.
@Luca96 change the working directory when compiling dlib but he forgets to undo it after the compiled finish.

To quick fix, you can comment this line Compile-Dlib and re-run the setup.ps1 again to copy the lib to Android Studio Project.

Hi @kim-ninh , thank you very much for the suggestion.

Could you check if the following code solves the issue (replace this code-block):

# Dlib library path:
$DLIB_PATH = 'dlib'

function Compile-Dlib {
    $CWD = Get-Location
    Set-Location $DLIB_PATH
    Make-Dir 'build'

    Write-Host '=> Compiling Dlib...'
    sleep 0.5

    ForEach ($abi in $ABIs) {
        Write-Host "=> Compiling Dlib for ABI: '$abi'..."
        sleep 0.5

        Make-Dir "build\$abi"
        Set-Location "build\$abi"

        $cmakeArguments = @(
                "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++11 -frtti -fexceptions",
                "-DANDROID_CPP_FEATURES=rtti exceptions",

        $stripArguments = @(

        & $AndroidCmake $cmakeArguments
        sleep 0.5

        Write-Host "=> Generating the 'dlib/' for ABI: '$abi'..."
        & $AndroidCmake --build .
        sleep 0.5

        Write-Host "=> Stripping for ABI: '$abi'to reduce space..."
        & $STRIPPERS[$abi] $stripArguments
        sleep 0.5

        Write-Host '=> done.'
        Set-Location $CWD
        sleep 0.5

Thanks in advance

Hi @kim-ninh , thank you very much for the suggestion.

Could you check if the following code solves the issue (replace this code-block):

# Dlib library path:
$DLIB_PATH = 'dlib'

function Compile-Dlib {
    $CWD = Get-Location
    Set-Location $DLIB_PATH
    Make-Dir 'build'

    Write-Host '=> Compiling Dlib...'
    sleep 0.5

    ForEach ($abi in $ABIs) {
        Write-Host "=> Compiling Dlib for ABI: '$abi'..."
        sleep 0.5

        Make-Dir "build\$abi"
        Set-Location "build\$abi"

        $cmakeArguments = @(
                "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++11 -frtti -fexceptions",
                "-DANDROID_CPP_FEATURES=rtti exceptions",

        $stripArguments = @(

        & $AndroidCmake $cmakeArguments
        sleep 0.5

        Write-Host "=> Generating the 'dlib/' for ABI: '$abi'..."
        & $AndroidCmake --build .
        sleep 0.5

        Write-Host "=> Stripping for ABI: '$abi'to reduce space..."
        & $STRIPPERS[$abi] $stripArguments
        sleep 0.5

        Write-Host '=> done.'
        Set-Location $CWD
        sleep 0.5

Thanks in advance

Sound great 👌