LuaLanes / lanes

Lanes is a lightweight, native, lazy evaluating multithreading library for Lua 5.1 to 5.4.

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How to control main thread

MrLuer opened this issue · comments

sub threads control by the main thread, but how to control the main thread?such as, if main thread sleep for 100s , at the 32s I want the main thread quit sleep,how to implement this

Altought sleeping does not always makes sense when you are in a receive loop
See: lanes.timer

@sonoro1234 thank you for your reply
I know timer,but how timer control or wakeup main thread?

two posibilities:
-- main thread call lanes.sleep
-- main thread calls linda:receive (with or without timeout) waiting for a key that can be sent by a timer or by another thread.

The second one is what is normally done in all lanes : having a linda:receive loop without a timeout. So that lanes are usually slepping unless they receive a key over this linda (from another lane or a timer). That way you dont think about how to make a lane sleep, but instead, how to make a lane awake: sending a key to the linda that this lane is receiving.

thank you very much, it helpful for me