LuaLanes / lanes

Lanes is a lightweight, native, lazy evaluating multithreading library for Lua 5.1 to 5.4.

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Closing Lanes application

Aditya23456 opened this issue · comments

I have a main loop which spawns 4 lanes as threads. After spawning, threads and maybe after few hours of running, my main loop does not exit the entire program even after it hits os.Exit(). (Although I am not sure it hit os.Exit but all it had was collectgarbage() and then os.Exit()). I ran the program on terminal and tried to stop in between using Control+C but still it doesn't exit unit I kill the process with maybe a better signal from outside? Is there a clean way to stop the entire program? I am planning to add multiple lines like-
os.execute("fuser -k 7509/tcp;") -- since I have one of the lanes thread running as a server binding to port 7509
os.execute("screen -X -S MONITOR quit;") -- since I am running the program in a screen session with name MONITOR
and then
os.Exit()-- Should i use something like os.Exit(9) or os.Exit(1)

Will this ensure a smooth exit?

Have you tried just calling break on the main loop?