LonamiWebs / Telethon

Pure Python 3 MTProto API Telegram client library, for bots too!

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The button and event type "KeyboardButtonRequestChat" does not exist!

Lucasmm016 opened this issue · comments

Code that causes the issue

button = Button.request_chat("Select channel") # button type dont exist!
# or
button = KeyboardButtonRequestChat("Select channel") # "KeyboardButtonRequestChat" button type dont exist!
# or
@bot.on(telethon.events.KeyboardButtonRequestChat) # event dont exist!
async def handler(event): ...

Expected behavior

It is expected that there will be a button and an event of the type "request_chat" or "KeyboardButtonRequestChat", as found in the Telegram documentation at https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#keyboardbuttonrequestchat

Actual behavior

AttributeError: type object 'Button' has no attribute 'request_chat'
# or 
AttributeError: module 'telethon.events' has no attribute 'KeyboardButtonRequestChat'


No response

Telethon version


Python version


Operating system (including distribution name and version)


Other details

Here is the link to the official Telegram API documentation: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#keyboardbuttonrequestchat

Example of use with the Bot API to get around the Button type not existing:

buttons = [
        "text": "Select Channel",
        "request_chat": {
            "request_id": 1, # button id
            "chat_is_channel": True,
            "title": "Select channel",
reply_markup = {"keyboard": [buttons],
                "resize_keyboard": True, "one_time_keyboard": True}

url = f"https://api.telegram.org/bot{token}/sendMessage"
payload = {
    "chat_id": chat_id,
    "text": "Click in the button and select channel",
    "reply_markup": json.dumps(reply_markup)
response = requests.post(url, data=payload)

Example of use to get around the non-existing Event type:

async def on_requested_peer_channel(event):
        if event.message.action.peers[0].__class__.__name__ == "RequestedPeerChannel":
            button_id = event.message.action.button_id
            if button_id == 1: # button id
                peer = event.message.action.peers[0]
                channel_id = peer.channel_id
                title = peer.title

The same applies to "KeyboardButtonRequestUsers".


  • The error is in the library's code, and not in my own.
  • I have searched for this issue before posting it and there isn't an open duplicate.
  • I ran pip install -U https://github.com/LonamiWebs/Telethon/archive/v1.zip and triggered the bug in the latest version.

No new features are intended for v1. events.Raw is the correct type for the time being.

No new features are intended for v1. events.Raw is the correct type for the time being.

I understood! I thought it was a glitch! Thanks for letting me know, this is a very useful feature, I hope it exists in the next versions.