Lona / Lona

A tool for defining design systems and using them to generate cross-platform UI code, Sketch files, and other artifacts.

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Coding conventions (SwiftLint)

huyphams opened this issue Β· comments

Suggesting a New Feature

Hi folks, I just came here and I see something. Lona is in the first stage of development and still missing coding conventions. There are also have some invalid configs. It would be great if we have rules for coding. It makes Lona code readable and clean.

Proposed Implementation

  • What do you guys think about to add SwiftLint to Lona?
  • Remove invalid configs (invalid target) and update .gitignore.
  • After adding SwiftLint, we will have a lot of convention warnings => refactor it.

Submitting a Bug Report

  • If you guys interesting in my suggestion, I can give a PR πŸ˜„

It's cool @huyphams.
Regrading to SwiftLint - I honestly love it.

I intend to integrate TravisCI as long as the bot from Danger System in next PR. The conjunction of them are so perfectly for an OSS. It strictly keeps our style convention and contributors on right track πŸ‘

@huyphams Sounds fantastic! This will be really helpful for new folks looking to contribute.

πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

Hey thanks, I'm working on it. I will create a PR on Sunday πŸ˜„

Merged! I guess next step is to fix all the warnings? 😭

Merged! I guess next step is to fix all the warnings? 😭 => yeah, but don't worry. I'm here πŸ˜„

SwiftLint is πŸ’― . Thanks for adding it!