Loki-Astari / ThorsSerializer

C++ Serialization library for JSON

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Member limit

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There appears to be a limit of 20 members on trait definitions.
Is there any way to increase this number?

The simplest way is to break your class into sub classes.

class X {
      std::string   name;     // 1
      int           age;      // 2
      int           sex;      // 3
      int           etc       // 4
      std::string   street1;  // 18
      std::string   street2;  // 19
      std::string   city;     // 20
      std::string   state;    // 21
      std::string   zip;      // 22
      std::string   country;  // 23

// Could be simplified like:

class X {
      Person       person;   // 1
      int          etc;      // 2
      Address      address;  // 16

If you want to change ThorsSerializer to support more fields then have a look in src/Serialize/Traits.h

You will need to add 21 and up for two macros.

// You need to define REP_OF_   It should be easy to see the pattern
#define REP_OF_20(Act, TC, P1, P2, ...)     EXPAND(Act, TC, P1 ,P2), REP_OF_19(Act, TC, P1, __VA_ARGS__)

// You need to define  ALT_REP_OF_ again the pattern should be obvious.
#define ALT_REP_OF_20(Act, E, P, S)     P ALT_EXPAND(Act, E, 20), ALT_REP_OF_19(Act, E,  , S)