LoSealL / VideoSuperResolution

A collection of state-of-the-art video or single-image super-resolution architectures, reimplemented in tensorflow.

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An error was encountered while running eval

smoky96 opened this issue · comments


I have tried the eval.py using
"python eval.py vespcn -t ../Data/vid4/input --pretrain=../Results/vespcn/save"
and get an error:
"SystemError: Parent module 'VSR.Backend.TF' not loaded, cannot perform relative import"
Am I using it the wrong way?

Maybe you didn't install VSR package first?
pip install -e .
in the root directory.

Maybe you didn't install VSR package first?
pip install -e .
in the root directory.

我安装了 VSR 包。
我对 python 导包的路径一直都弄不太清楚,但我将类似 import_module('.Models', 'VSR.Backend.Torch').list_supported_models() 的导包语句改为 import_module('VSR.Backend.Torch.Models').list_supported_models() 后,问题就解决了