Liu-group / AutoSolvate

Automated workflow for generating quantum chemistry calculation of explicitly solvated molecules

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

propose a consistent naming scheme .lib files

BrandeisPatrick opened this issue · comments


for generating and inputting .lib files in autosolvate
I propose

  1. use .lib instead of .off extension (these are same extensions)
  2. when creating a lib file.
    use molecule name + .lib instead of residue name + lib

unlike the following example in Setup_solvated_MD_Amber.docx
source leaprc.protein.ff14SB
source leaprc.gaff
loadamberparams solute.frcmod
LIG = loadmol2 solute.mol2
check LIG
set LIG head LIG.1.C
set LIG tail LIG.1.O1
saveoff LIG lig.lib

It is easy for autosovlate Molecule class and SolventBox class to find the corresponding document.
(for detail. check update(self) class method in both of them)