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[CONTENT CHANGE] 'Multi-Session Containers' (Firefox specific)

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containers are not strictly needed if strict blocking/net partitioning is enabled

arkenfox js...

user_pref("_user.js.parrot", "2700 syntax error: the parrot's joined the bleedin' choir invisible!");
/* 2701: enable ETP Strict Mode [FF86+]
 * ETP Strict Mode enables Total Cookie Protection (TCP)
 * [NOTE] Adding site exceptions disables all ETP protections for that site and increases the risk of
 * cross-site state tracking e.g. exceptions for SiteA and SiteB means PartyC on both sites is shared
 * [1]
 * [SETTING] to add site exceptions: Urlbar>ETP Shield
 * [SETTING] to manage site exceptions: Options>Privacy & Security>Enhanced Tracking Protection>Manage Exceptions ***/
user_pref("browser.contentblocking.category", "strict");
/* 2702: disable ETP web compat features [FF93+]
 * [SETUP-HARDEN] Includes skip lists, heuristics (SmartBlock) and automatic grants
 * Opener Heuristics are granted for 30 days and Redirect Heuristics for 15 minutes, see [3]
 * [1]
 * [2]
 * [3] ***/
   // user_pref("privacy.antitracking.enableWebcompat", false);
/* 2710: enable state partitioning of service workers [FF96+] ***/
user_pref("privacy.partition.serviceWorkers", true);

Thanks :) Will include this in the next update coming tomorrow...