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Need a JSObject property to be bound to jsexported methods

sammy44nts opened this issue · comments



Using Kotlin, I'm having trouble with the 'proper' way to define the JSObject property because Property constructor is private so I can't declare them that way.

I used

        JSObjectPropertiesMap(instance, {
            put("id", instance.getId())

to define a property in the JSObject.

I need the property to use getId() as getter and setId(value) as setter. Do you see a way to redefine JS object property id to bind it to the jsexported getter & setter at the instance creation time in the constructor?


Found a solution for two way communication:

  • getId() & setId(value) are not exported using jsexport anymore;
  • At instance creation time, I retrieve the Kotlin member id:
    var id: String
        get() = getId()
        set(value) = setId(value)
  • Set the constructor's properties:
    this::class.memberProperties.forEach {
      if ( == "id") {
          object : JSFunction(context, "__NativeGetter__") {
            fun __NativeGetter__() =
          object : JSFunction(context, "__NativeSetter__") {
            fun __NativeSetter__(v: JSValue) {
              if (it is KMutableProperty<*>), "$v")
  • Use of the following to redefine JSObject prototype:
      "function InitClass(Class, props) {\n" +
      "    props.forEach(prop => {\n" +
      "        Object.defineProperty(Class.prototype, prop, {\n" +
      "                    get: function () {return this[\"\$\$_get\"+prop]()},\n" +
      "                    set: function (v) {this[\"\$\$_set\"+prop](v)}\n" +
      "                });\n" +
      "    });\n" +
  • Call of context.evaluateScript("InitClass($className, ['id'])")