LiquidPlayer / LiquidCore

Node.js virtual machine for Android and iOS

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Can't find MicroService

paulsUsername opened this issue · comments

I have followed the instructions to the T, but I don't have any MicroService class in my kotlin code. There is no mention of adding any Gradle implementation. How do I access these classes?

Same here, followed the instruction and seems liquid haven't configured project the right way

Screenshot 2021-07-13 at 12 11 54

Could anyone please help? or the project is dead?

cc @ericwlange @daetal-us @BugsBunnyBR @Neusoft-Technology-Solutions @dsemenovsky

Hi @MihaelIsaev and @paulsUsername

I am the author of LiquidCore. I haven't updated the project in close to a year because of other commitments. I need to find a sponsorship model to keep this going, as it needs regular updates (e.g. the version of Node is deprecated already), and I am running my own company focused on other things at the moment.

That said, the output you posted looks correct. Let me try to replicate the issue and see if I can find a quick solution. If you find one first, please submit a PR. I'm guessing this is just a result of ever-changing versions of Kotlin/gradle, and this project hasn't kept up.

Hi @MihaelIsaev and @paulsUsername

Please add these two lines to the bottom of the dependency section of your module's build.gradle:

    implementation fileTree(include:["liquidcore-Nodejs-0.7.10.aar"], dir:"./liquidcore")
    implementation fileTree(include:["liquidcore-V8-0.7.10.aar"], dir:"./liquidcore")

This should automatically be done by the gradle include files, but for some reason something changed in gradle where this doesn't work anymore. This workaround should solve the problem.

@ericwlange yeah it works now, thank you very much! 😊