LiquidPlayer / LiquidCore

Node.js virtual machine for Android and iOS

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[Android] When I use jsdom library, I get: TypeError: DOMImplementation.createImpl is not a function

mmaciejow opened this issue · comments

Hi, I 'm trying to create DOM object. I use jsdom.
My example.js:
`const {LiquidCore} = require("liquidcore");
const jsdom = require("jsdom");
const JSDOM = jsdom.JSDOM;

setInterval(()=>{}, 1000)

console.log("Hello, World!")

LiquidCore.on( "ping", () => {
try {
var html = "<body> <h2>H2</h2><p>P</p><\div>Div</div></body>";
var dom = new JSDOM(html).window.document;
console.log(dom );
} catch (error) {

LiquidCore.emit( "pong", { message: "Hello World!" } )

LiquidCore.emit( "ready" )`

I get error:

TypeError: DOMImplementation.createImpl is not a function at new DocumentImpl (example.bundle.js:72927:48) at Object.exports.setup (example.bundle.js:64989:14) at Object.exports.create (example.bundle.js:64937:20) at Object.exports.createImpl (example.bundle.js:64941:29) at Object.exports.createImpl (example.bundle.js:64736:21) at Object.exports.createWrapper.args [as createWrapper] (example.bundle.js:64742:35) at new Window (example.bundle.js:23535:32) at exports.createWindow (example.bundle.js:23461:12) at new JSDOM (example.bundle.js:2109:22) at LiquidCore.on (example.bundle.js:245:17)

When I run node test.js:
const jsdom = require("jsdom"); const JSDOM = jsdom.JSDOM; var html = "\<body> \<h2>H2\</h2>\<p>P\</p><\div>Div\</div>\</body>"; var dom = new JSDOM(html).window.document; console.log(dom );

Works. Where is the problem? How can I fix it?
Thanks for help :)