LinuxForHealth / hl7v2-fhir-converter

Converts HL7 v2 Messages to FHIR Resources

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AL1-6 is allergy onset, not reaction onset

LisaWellman opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
AL1-6 should map to AllergyIntolerance.onsetDateTime, not AllergyIntolerance.reaction.onset

To Reproduce
Convert any AL1 message with a value in AL1-6

Expected behavior
AL1-6 should be placed in AllergyIntolerance.onsetDateTime

Additional context
Although indicates AL1-6 is AllergyIntolerance.reaction.onset, this seems to be incorrect according to the HL7 description.
AL1.6 - Identification Date
This field contains the date that the allergy was identified.

In Release 1.0.9