LinArcX / .emacs.d

my .emacs.d configurations

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My .emacs.d configurations.

why Emacs? and in which situations should i use it?

my main concern are in my workflow are:

  • efficiency
  • speed

So i don't browse web, watch videos, read pdf books, see images with emacs. because they cause lags and slowness. if one day i found quick solutions, i'll definitely switch. for now i'm still using these tools outside of emacs:

  • brave --> browser
  • mpv --> watch videos, listen to musics
  • evince, foliate --> read books
  • nomacs --> see images

But i'll definietly use it as:

  • IDE
  • editor
  • file manager(dired)
  • second brain(org-mode, org-roam)
  • calculator(elisp, calc)

I still not sure should i use terminal inside emacs or not!

and maybe i use emacs in these domains also:

  • as a mail client
  • as torrent manager
  • git client


  • C-l r: restart emacs

  • C-q: kill buffer.

  • C-k: kill line.

  • C-b: consult-buffer switch to buffers, bookmarks, etc..

  • C-z: undo

  • C-g C-z: redo

  • C-a: beginning of line.

  • C-e: endo of line.

  • C-h ENTER: major topics manual.

  • C-h b: describe-binding show all the keybindings and you can search through them with swiper)

  • C-h C-h: help-for-help shows high-level help page.

  • C-h C-q: help-quick-toggle shows most used keybidings.

  • C-h k: describe-key

  • C-h v: describe-variable

  • C-x b: consult-buffer list all buffers, file, etc.

  • C-x d: dired file-manager of emacs!

  • C-x 0: only other. full screen other buffer.

  • C-x 1: only this full screen current buffer.

  • M-x eval-buffer: reload current buffer


  • ^ or Shift + 6 --> jump back to parent directory
  • +: create directory
  • C-x C-f: create file
  • g: refresh buffer
  • d: mark for deletion
  • D: delete marked items. Notice that if you set this variable: (setq delete-by-moving-to-trash t) Dired, will put your file in ~/.local/share/Trash

potential to change

  • C-t: transpose-char


Q: how jump to the beginning of the file? A: C-l b (global-unset-key (kbd "C-l")) (global-set-key (kbd "C-l b") 'beginning-of-buffer)

Q: how jump to the end of the file? A: C-l e (global-unset-key (kbd "C-l")) (global-set-key (kbd "C-l e") 'end-of-buffer)

Q: how duplicate a line? A: C-l d (global-set-key (kbd "C-l d") 'duplicate-dwim)

Q: how duplicate a block of lines? A: C-l d (global-set-key (kbd "C-l d") 'duplicate-dwim)

Q: how bookmark files and directories? A: create: C-x r m list: C-x r l delete: C-x r d help: C-h r

Q: how unzip zip/rar files? A:

Q: how find/replace interactively? A:

Q: How to select vertically? A:

Why i like emacs?

  • except some small cool features in emacs, i think it doesn't worth it to switch.
  • I mostly use terminal in my daily life and i have lots of scripts that really like them and they made me efficient.

Some features that emacs has but neovim doesn't have:

  • versataile help system and documentaion.
  • some cool features/plugins like: vertico marginalia consult counsel org

Why i hate emacs?

  • people advertise that you can read pdfs, browse web, play video, download torrent files. all of them are bullshit! just try to open an image in emacs. it will freeze and hangs. since it still use single thread!
  • elisp is verbose and cryptic.
  • keybindings! oh, my god. one of the worst in the world.
  • and in general i think it takes me away from computer and low-level.


just stick with terminal apps. and find ways to improve neovim to have cool features of emacs.




my .emacs.d configurations

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Emacs Lisp 100.0%