limaa / webSocketDashboard

WebSocket server and WebSocket client dashboard

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Final Projet - Operational Systems - Control Systems Engineering

What it is? TODO

How to use it? TODO

This was presented as a final project from Operational Systems and Control Systems Engineering classes from the Technological University of Parana (UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Fereal do Paraná). From the operational systems class, the requirements were to build an embedded system using an RTOS implementation with at least 4 Threads running concurrently, 1 sensor and 2 actuators. An internet connectivity was a bonus point. From the Control Systems Engineering class, the requirements were to model the behavior of a system, simulate it using SimuLink and design a discrete compensator to compensate a system variable.


WebSocket server and WebSocket client dashboard


Language:JavaScript 58.9%Language:C 23.7%Language:HTML 14.4%Language:C++ 3.0%