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Hyperparameter logging with multiple loggers only works partially (TensorBoard and CSV)

simon-forb opened this issue · comments

Bug description

Inside my LightningModule, I use self.logger.log_hyperparams(...) to log, e.g.:

self.logger.log_hyperparams(dict(lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay))

In my trainer initialization, I define multiple loggers, e.g.:

trainer = Trainer(
            TensorBoardLogger(dir, name="tb_logs"),
            CSVLogger(dir, name="csv_logs"),

When fitting my model with this setup, the hyperparameters are only logged in the folder tb_logs which belongs to the TensorBoard logger (see code above). In the folder of the CSV logger, there is an empty hyperparameter file. I would have expected to have the same hyperparameter file as in the TensorBoard logger.

This occurs even after model fitting is complete, i.e., I can rule out that this occurs because the log is not yet flushed to disk.

What version are you seeing the problem on?


How to reproduce the bug

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Error messages and logs

# Error messages and logs here please


Current environment
#- Lightning Component (e.g. Trainer, LightningModule, LightningApp, LightningWork, LightningFlow):
#- PyTorch Lightning Version (e.g., 1.5.0):
#- Lightning App Version (e.g., 0.5.2):
#- PyTorch Version (e.g., 2.0):
#- Python version (e.g., 3.9):
#- OS (e.g., Linux):
#- CUDA/cuDNN version:
#- GPU models and configuration:
#- How you installed Lightning(`conda`, `pip`, source):
#- Running environment of LightningApp (e.g. local, cloud):

More info

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