LibreBooking / app

Repository for the last open source version of Booked Scheduler. The "develop" branch contains the most current working code of the project and should be considered beta. The "master" branch is the most current stable release of BookedScheduler. Please read doc/ for further details.

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MySQL 8 problem * important because MySQL 5.7 will be unsuported

KarolUAM opened this issue · comments


At first I thought it was a config.php (database host) problem, but now I know that the problem is with MySQL 8. After changing the database in each version librebooking "unknown errors" appear. It is important to correct this, because in October MySQL 5.7 completely loses support. Please help,


Same here. Had to update system MySQL 8 and now stuck with "unknown error".
No information to find how to get old database data up and running again.

Currently some of the installs that I have are on mysql 8 and I did not noticed any issue. For further troubleshooting can someone share some logs? Any that might give some insight? Apache2 logs, nginx, php-fpm, monolog....


i founded workaround:
For me working. Best,


Thanks for the info, I had this on my mind to implement this fix, but it completely slipped, anyway I just added to the repo 6827e66


i founded workaround: image For me working. Best,


I can confirm this works for me, too.