LiangliangNan / MVStudio

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Matching error

longbaochenlong opened this issue · comments

Hi, I got a error in image matching step which means "GL error in file 'D:\githublib\MVStudio-master\MVStudio\paint_canvas.cpp' @ line 163: Invalid value (A numeric argument is out of range)". It's a opengl error. I debug the project, and find the GL error code is 1821.Do you have any solutions?

What is the GL Vendor, GL Version, and GLSL Version?

[PaintCanvas] GL Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
[PaintCanvas] GL Renderer: AMD Radeon(TM) RX Vega 10 Graphics
[PaintCanvas] GL Version: 4.6.13560 Compatibility Profile Context 26.20.11030.2003
[PaintCanvas] GLSL Version: 4.60

Oh, it must be Windows and it should work.
Did you succeed in producing a point cloud in Release mode? Or both Release
and Debug give you the same error message?
Please post the ENTIRE log here.

The Release mode has no problem.

Still, no useful information to reproduce the issue :-(

In Debug mode,the total log info seem no error.It just output in console.

And I try to run all of the steps including image matching, sparse reconstruction and dense reconstruction in Debug mode.The result is fine, but the time cost is very high.
So,there are two questions:
Q1:What is the error meaning?
Q2:Why the efficent of Debug mode is lower than that of Release model?