Liagson / ConcaveHullGenerator

Concave hull for C# (Comes with a Unity demo)

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Godatplay opened this issue · comments

Do you have an idea what would be involved with adding 3D support for this?

Not much 😄
I currently don't have enough time to make the changes myself though, but I can help you if you are interested.
As far as I see, what you need to change in order to add a third dimension is:

  1. Add a Z axis in the Node.cs file (public double z;) (don't forget to add it in both constructors)
  2. Change the getLength(node1, node2) method in the Line.cs file to something like this (we need to measure now a 3d line):
    double length = Math.Pow(node1.y - node2.y, 2) + Math.Pow(node1.x - node2.x, 2) + Math.Pow(node1.z - node2.z, 2) ;
  3. Change the Init.cs file to add random heights to the points in the demo scene:
    From this:
    dot_list.Add(new Node(pseudorandom.Next(0, 100), pseudorandom.Next(0, 100), x));
    To this:
    dot_list.Add(new Node(pseudorandom.Next(0, 100), pseudorandom.Next(0, 100), pseudorandom.Next(0, 100), x));

This might be kind of a hack (it rather surprises me how few changes are needed), but it will indeed, I believe, add a hull (seen from above)

Note: I haven't run this changes (I don't even have Unity installed) and there might be some weird behaviors (and operations) due to the current program being built with only 2 dimensions in mind. If you try these changes please tell me if they work!

You will also need to change this method in Init.cs:

void OnDrawGizmos() {

            //Convex hull
            Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
            for (int i = 0; i < Hull.hull_edges.Count; i++) {
                Vector3 left = new Vector3((float)Hull.hull_edges[i].nodes[0].x, (float)Hull.hull_edges[i].nodes[0].y, (float)Hull.hull_edges[i].nodes[0].z);
                Vector3 right = new Vector3((float)Hull.hull_edges[i].nodes[1].x, (float)Hull.hull_edges[i].nodes[1].y, (float)Hull.hull_edges[i].nodes[1].z);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(left, right);
            //Concave hull
            Gizmos.color =;
            for (int i = 0; i < Hull.hull_concave_edges.Count; i++) {
                Vector3 left = new Vector3((float)Hull.hull_concave_edges[i].nodes[0].x, (float)Hull.hull_concave_edges[i].nodes[0].y, (float)Hull.hull_concave_edges[i].nodes[0].z);
                Vector3 right = new Vector3((float)Hull.hull_concave_edges[i].nodes[1].x, (float)Hull.hull_concave_edges[i].nodes[1].y, (float)Hull.hull_concave_edges[i].nodes[1].z);
                Gizmos.DrawLine(left, right);

            Gizmos.color =;
            for (int i = 0; i < dot_list.Count; i++) {
                Gizmos.DrawSphere(new Vector3((float)dot_list[i].x, (float)dot_list[i].y, (float)dot_list[i].z), 0.5f);

I've just ran all the changes and it looks fine to me :)

I am wondering to use your concaveHull for 3d points. I applied the changes you have mentioned above, but It didn't work correctly. I set the sphere points as the input of the algorithm but the result was some curve of the sphere not all of it. here are the result figures.

would you help me to add 3D support? How can I change line to triangle?

Hi @faeze-el .
Can you upload a file with the points that you are using? I'll give it a look to see what is going on.
About the 3d support here, if I understand you correctly, what you are looking for is actually a 3d mesh? If what you need is a mesh then I'm afraid that's way out of scope for this program.

Thanks for the quick reply.
Oh, Exactly I'm looking for a 3d mesh. :(