Lhourquin / projet-fil-rouge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


To create gitaction workflows

Trigger workflow using PUSH event

1/ We add in our repo .github/worflow/test.yml

2/ Add our jobs and steps then push the change to our remote repo

3/ From remote repo, we can run our action, and see the result of our jobs and steps

In order to run the jobs depending on each other, we need to add needs: [ the jobs that this job depend on ]

After undrestanding workflow and jobs and steps, now time to work with actions:

1/ We use use: link, to use git repos as source

2/ We use with: to give inputs to our action

3/ Our action can give back an outputs

Actions are some code can do some specific tastks that we can use in our steps in our github worflows

Environment variables in workflow

TRigger workflow using

Using materix

Using strategy with matrix

Use container
