Leshuguita / PotPlayer-SponsorBlock

Modified version of the default PotPlayer YouTube extension that adds SponsorBlock support.

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solution: low bitrate

djl987645 opened this issue · comments

i don't know how write issue on github but i found solution of low bitrate while playing with this

reason of low bitrate is this using old nX-YouTube-Client-Version so i just swaped string GetVideoJson of this to original mediaPlayparse's string GetVideoJson

then low bitrate problem is solved

and this is original mediaPlayparse's string GetVideoJson

string GetVideoJson(string videoId, bool passAge)
string Headers = "X-YouTube-Client-Name: 3\r\nX-YouTube-Client-Version: 17.31.35\r\nOrigin: https://www.youtube.com\r\ncontent-type: application/json\r\n";
string postData = "{\"context\": {\"client\": {\"clientName\": \"ANDROID\", \"clientVersion\": \"17.31.35\", \"hl\": \"" + HostIso639LangName() + "\"}}, \"videoId\": \"" + videoId + "\", \"params\": \"CgIQBg==\", \"playbackContext\": {\"contentPlaybackContext\": {\"html5Preference\": \"HTML5_PREF_WANTS\"}}, \"contentCheckOk\": true, \"racyCheckOk\": true}";
string postData2 = "{\"context\": {\"client\": {\"clientName\": \"ANDROID\", \"clientVersion\": \"17.31.35\", \"clientScreen\": \"EMBED\"}, \"thirdParty\": {\"embedUrl\": \"https://google.com\"}}, \"videoId\": \"" + videoId + "\", \"params\": \"CgIQBg==\", \"contentCheckOk\": true, \"racyCheckOk\": true}";

return HostUrlGetStringWithAPI("https://www.youtube.com/youtubei/v1/player", "com.google.android.youtube/17.31.35 (Linux; U; Android 11) gzip", Headers, passAge ? postData2 : postData, true);

Hi, thank you!
I switched to Linux some time ago and stopped using PotPlayer, so I can't really test your solution. Still, I'll put it on the README so it's easier to find for anyone else.