LennartHennigs / ESPTelnet

ESP library that allows you to setup a telnet server for debugging.

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Wired LAN8720 connected check / workaround / fix?

HotNoob opened this issue · comments

using Eth.H / EthClass.H

which piggy backs a bit off of the wifi events a bit...

this check, which is enabled by default will stop begin from working.

if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && !_isIPSet(WiFi.softAPIP())) return false;

#include <ETH.h>

 if ( !ETH.linkUp() &&  WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && !_isIPSet(WiFi.softAPIP())) return false; 

fixes this problem, alternatively as a work around, turning the check off via bool works too.

telnet.begin(23, false);

it does require making the lib more bulky... so could maybe use this WITHOUT <ETH.h>. only compatible

 if ( !(WiFiGenericClass::getStatusBits() & ETH_CONNECTED_BIT) &&  WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && !_isIPSet(WiFi.softAPIP())) return false; 

instead, to avoid having to import Eth.H for wifi only builds.

works fine over eth \w main for me with some small modification.

As you pointed out, my answer would have been to disable the check via:

telnet.begin(23, false); :-)

By looking at this #if ESP_IDF_VERSION_MAJOR > 3, I guess you use an ESP32.

Can you point me to some additional examples/explanations for this part of your suggestion:


 if ( !(WiFiGenericClass::getStatusBits() & ETH_CONNECTED_BIT))

That would allow me to judge better whether I want to include this – as there was a request about some Ethernet board before: #48.

hmm. welp, i'm new to arduino stuff... and rusty af \w c / c++ :P


i'm just stealing that code from:

a bit of a hack

since wifi.h is already including wifigenericclass yaddi yaddie.


Wifi.H does include ETH_CONNECTED_BIT; this is where the Eth connected status is set.



if ( !(WiFiGenericClass::getStatusBits() & ETH_CONNECTED_BIT ) && WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && !_isIPSet(WiFi.softAPIP())) return false;

should be sufficient. i think #ESP_IDF_VERSION_MAJOR is probably not necessairy, as its not on the git repo, but is in the lib from platform io.

been running the modified code for a bit now, working fine. i don't think it'll effect wifi functionality because the bit status is done in the wifi libs.

as far as the other issue, #48 , he is using a W5100 chip, which goes over SPI afaik, which i think might use different libraries.
Ethernet.h is not used for me.

the LAN8720 im using is built into the board... donno if expressif's Eth.H works for his W5100.