LennartHennigs / ESPTelnet

ESP library that allows you to setup a telnet server for debugging.

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Not Issue - Question

svdrummer opened this issue · comments

Hello :)
As there is a significant change from the last Example on the last version, ie the wifimanager has been removed.
Was there an issue with using wifimanager with this current version?
I am asking as I would like to put the wifimanager back in.
Thank you in advance.

Hey, no there isn't (well, almost) if you run it on an ESP8266. WifiManager does not work with ESP32. That's why I removed it in the example. To have one that runs on both platforms.

But if you stay on the 8266 you're good.

The old example with new library, no longer compiles.
Wemos d1 mini


you need this on top:

#include "WiFiManager.h"

#define PORTAL_TIMEOUT  10 * 60 // seconds
#define AP_NAME         "MY CAPTIVE PORTAL"
#define AP_PASSWORD     ""

WiFiManager wifiManager;

Then add this function above the setup():

void useWiFiManager() {
  // wifiManager.resetSettings();  // this will delete all credentials
  wifiManager.setAPCallback([] (WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) {
    Serial.println("- No known wifi found");
    Serial.print("- Starting AP: ");
  // enable autoconnect
  if (!(AP_PASSWORD == "" ? 
    wifiManager.autoConnect(AP_NAME) : 
    wifiManager.autoConnect(AP_NAME, AP_PASSWORD))
   ) {
    Serial.println("- Failed to connect and hit timeout");

And finally replace line 127


(Haven't tested it but..) this should should do the trick.

Added the example.